
Posts Tagged 'Networking'

  • January 29, 2021

    全速力で前進! マーベルのイーサネット・デバイス・ブリッジがAvnu認証を取得

    マーベル、オートモーティブ・ビジネス・ユニット、マーケティング担当副社長、アミール・バー・ニヴと マーベル、オートモーティブ・ビジネス・ユニット、シニアプロダクト・マーケティング・マネージャー ジョン・バーゲン共著

    アメリカの鉄道建設の初期には、競合する各社がそれぞれ異なる幅で線路を敷設していた。 このような一貫性のない規格は非効率を招き、鉄道会社間の車両の容易な交換を妨げ、インフラが全国的なネットワークに統合されるのを妨げた。 ようやく1860年代に、4フィート8インチ1/2インチという全国的な規格が誕生して初めて、鉄道はネットワーク化された真の潜在能力を発揮し始めた。

    それから約160年後、マーベルとその競合他社が世界の交通網の改革を競い合う中、ユニバーサルデザイン基準はかつてないほど重要になっている。 最近、マーベルの88Q5050 Ethernet Device Bridge は、車載業界で初めてAvnu認証を取得した。これは、今日のデータ依存型自動車のスムーズで安全かつ信頼性の高い運行を可能にする、多様な車載ネットワーク間の情報交換を促進する厳しい新しい技術標準を満たすものである。

  • January 14, 2021

    What’s Next in System Integration and Packaging? New Approaches to Networking and Cloud Data Center Chip Design

    By Wolfgang Sauter, Customer Solutions Architect - Packaging, Marvel

    The continued evolution of 5G wireless infrastructure and high-performance networking is driving the semiconductor industry to unprecedented technological innovations, signaling the end of traditional scaling on Single-Chip Module (SCM) packaging. With the move to 5nm process technology and beyond, 50T Switches, 112G SerDes and other silicon design thresholds, it seems that we may have finally met the end of the road for Moore’s Law.1 The remarkable and stringent requirements coming down the pipe for next-generation wireless, compute and networking products have all created the need for more innovative approaches. So what comes next to keep up with these challenges? Novel partitioning concepts and integration at the package level are becoming game-changing strategies to address the many challenges facing these application spaces.

    During the past two years, leaders in the industry have started to embrace these new approaches to modular design, partitioning and package integration. In this paper, we will look at what is driving the main application spaces and how packaging plays into next-generation system  architectures, especially as it relates to networking and cloud data center chip design.

  • July 28, 2020

    ネットワークエッジでの生活 セキュリティ

    By Alik Fishman, Director of Product Management, Marvell

    In our series Living on the Network Edge, we have looked at the trends driving Intelligence, Performance and Telemetry to the network edge. In this installment, let’s look at the changing role of network security and the ways integrating security capabilities in network access can assist in effectively streamlining policy enforcement, protection, and remediation across the infrastructure.

    Cybersecurity threats are now a daily struggle for businesses experiencing a huge increase in hacked and breached data from sources increasingly common in the workplace like mobile and IoT devices. Not only are the number of security breaches going up, they are also increasing in severity and duration, with the average lifecycle from breach to containment lasting nearly a year1 and presenting expensive operational challenges. With the digital transformation and emerging technology landscape (remote access, cloud-native models, proliferation of IoT devices, etc.) dramatically impacting networking architectures and operations, new security risks are introduced. To address this, enterprise infrastructure is on the verge of a remarkable change, elevating network intelligence, performance, visibility and security2.
